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Association of Lease and Title Analysts, Inc.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our dedicated volunteer leaders. Through collaborative efforts, our past Officers and Board of Directors have adeptly steered our organization, playing a pivotal role in fostering its growth and shaping its course. This collective dedication has significantly enriched the experiences of our members. Please take a moment to convey your heartfelt thanks to these invaluable volunteers.

Past Officers & Board of Directors

 2021 - 2022
 President Roslyn Allen
 1st Vice President Bobbie Gustus
 2nd Vice President Robyn Arnold
 Recording Secretary Open
 Corresponding Secretary Open
 Treasurer Katie Hess
 Directors Lori Gaskill 
 Lauri Kegans
 Kim Brooks
 Kathy Morris
 Sheila Williams   
 NALTA Liaison Joey King
 CPLTA Liaison Kerry Hereden
 President  Joey King
 1st Vice President  Susan Eaton
 2nd Vice President  Regina Paura
 Recording Secretary  Katha Valigura
 Corresponding Secretary  Jessica Douglas
 Treasurer  Katie Hess
 Directors  Bobbie Gustus
 Damaris Quijano
 Roslyn Allen
 Michelle Luna
 Lori Gaskill
 NALTA Liaison  Robyn Arnold
 CPLTA Liaison  Sharon Tucker
 President  Joey King
 1st Vice President  Susan Eaton
 2nd Vice President  Regina Paura
 Recording Secretary  Patricia Davis
 Corresponding Secretary  Tiffany Manen
 Treasurer  Katie Hess
 Directors  Sheryl Kohl
 Roslyn Allen
 Lori Gaskill
 Kelly Klaus
 Bobbie Gustus
 NALTA Liaison  Robyn Arnold
 CPLTA Liaison  Paula White
 President  Robyn Arnold 
 1st Vice President  Joey King
 2nd Vice President  Kelly Klaus
 Recording Secretary  Pam Lackey
 Corresponding Secretary  Nicole DeFelice
 Treasurer  Katie Hess
 Directors  Paula Vera
 Meagan Sinclair
 Katha Valigura
 Regina Paura
 Damaris Quijano
 NALTA Liaison  Susan Eaton
 CPLTA Liaisons  Bobbie Gustus
 Betty Cook
 President  Robyn Arnold
 1st Vice President  Sharon Tucker
 2nd Vice President  Kelly Klaus
 Recording Secretary  Pam Lackey
 Corresponding Secretary  Paula White
 Treasurer  Claire Kilgore
 Directors  Katha Valigura
 Sheryl Kohl
 Candace Conner
 Susan Eaton
 Joey King
 NALTA Liaison  Linda Howerton
 CPLTA Liaison  Lori Fisher
 President  Robyn Arnold
 1st Vice President  Sharon Tucker
 2nd Vice President  Kelly Klaus
 Recording Secretary  Susan Eaton
 Corresponding Secretary  Paula White
 Treasurer  Paula Vera
 Directors  Pam Lackey
 Sheryl Kohl
 Candace Conner
 Sandy Griffin
 Joey King
 NALTA Liaison  Linda Howerton
 CPLTA Liaisons  Lori Fisher
 Sandy Griffin
 President  Linda Howerton
 1st Vice President  Pam Lackey
 2nd Vice President  Kelly Klaus
 Recording Secretary  Susan Eaton
 Corresponding Secretary  Pauline Irvin
 Treasurer  Paula Vera
 Directors  Daniel Brooks
 Sheryl Kohl
 Candace Conner
 Robyn Arnold
 Sharon Tucker
 NALTA Liaison  Patty McLarty
 CPLTA Liaisons  Lori Fisher
 Sandy Griffin
 President  Patty McLarty
 1st Vice President  Lori Fisher
 2nd Vice President  Kelly Klaus
 Recording Secretary  Paula White
 Corresponding Secretary  Pauline Irvin
 Treasurer  Suzie Camardella
 Directors  Daniel Brooks
 Teri Estes
 Candace Conner
 Robyn Arnold
 Sharon Tucker
 NALTA Liaison  Linda Howerton
 CPLTA Liaisons  Maria Schneider
 Crystal Clemmer
 President  Patty McLarty
 1st Vice President  Candace Conners
 2nd Vice President  Angie Rasberry
 Recording Secretary  Paula White
 Corresponding Secretary  Pauline Irvin
 Treasurer  Suzie Camardella
 Directors  Paul Guillory
 Linda Howerton
 Olga McGee
 Robyn Arnold
 Denise Duplantier
 NALTA Liaison  Terra Peterson
 CPLTA Liaison  Mary Pugh
 President  Garry Camp
 1st Vice President  Jenard Jenkins
 2nd Vice President  Angie Rasberry
 Recording Secretary  Sherri DeWalt
 Corresponding Secretary  Pauline Irvin
 Treasurer  Suzie Camardella
 Directors  Paul Guillory
 Linda Howerton
 Lois Kidd
 Patty McLarty
 Cathy Guy
 NALTA Liaison  Terra Peterson
 CPLTA Liaison  Mary Pugh
 President  Terra Peterson
 1st Vice President  Sandy Jones
 2nd Vice President  Angie Rasberry
 Recording Secretary  Sherri DeWalt
 Corresponding Secretary  Pauline Irvin 
 Treasurer  Susie Camardella
 Directors  Alicia Caldwell
 Gloria Harrison
 Patricia Davis
 Patty McLarty
 Melissa Platt
 NALTA Liaison  Lois Kidd
 President  Janell Tilley
 1st Vice President  Terra Peterson
 2nd Vice President  Alicia Caldwell
 Recording Secretary  Sherri DeWalt
 Corresponding Secretary  Pauline Irvin
 Treasurer Carol Johns
 Directors  Donna Dowling
 Gloria Harrison
 Patricia Davis
 Tiffany Vogel
 Patricia Adams
 NALTA Liaison  Lois Kidd
 President  Janell Tilley
 1st Vice President  Donna Dowling
 2nd Vice President  Alicia Caldwell
 Recording Secretary  Gloria Harrison
 Corresponding Secretary  Pauline Irvin
 Treasurer  Carol Johns
 Directors  Gill Derrick
 Virgina Nienhuis
 Patricia Davis
 Kyle Gainer-Lewis
 Patricia Adams
 NALTA Liaison  Lupe Felan
 President  Lupe Felan
 1st Vice President  Donna Dowling
 2nd Vice President  Alicia Caldwell
 Recording Secretary  Gloria Harrison
 Corresponding Secretary  Pauline Irvin
 Treasurer  Glen Hodge
 Directors  Gill Derrick
 Janell Tiley
 Patricia Davis
 Kyle Gainer-Lewis
 Carol Johns
 NALTA Liaison  Jo Downing Hall
 President  Lupe Felan
 1st Vice President  Patsy Jones
 2nd Vice President  Pamela McClendon
 Recording Secretary  Tanya Pilant
 Corresponding Secretary  Pauline Irvin
 Treasurer  Brenda Ricks
 Directors  Gill Derrick
 Janell Tilly
 Stephanie Doolittle
 Glen Hodge
 Denise Duplantier
 NALTA Liaison  Jo Downing Hale
 President  Jo Hale
 1st Vice President  Olga McGee
 2nd Vice President  Marianne McEwin
 Recording Secretary  Kathy Davidson
 Corresponding Secretary  Janell Tilley
 Treasurer  Lupe Felan
 Directors  Glen Hodge
 Pauline Irvin
 Denise Duplantier
 Stephanie Doolittle
 Julie Ibarra
 NALTA Liaison  Paul Guillory
 President  Jo Hale
 1st Vice President  Shelley Goddard
 2nd Vice President  Marianne McEwin
 Recording Secretary  Gayle Lyles
 Corresponding Secretary  Janell Tilly
 Treasurer  Lupe Felan

 Jean Inglet
 Gwen Teague
 Paul Guillory
 Yolanda DelToro
 Stephanie Doolittle
 Wanda Cole

 NALTA Liaison  Kathy Davidson
 President  Olga McGee
 1st Vice President  Nora Lemm
 2nd Vice President  Monika Goldsmith
 Recording Secretary  Karen Paradowski
 Corresponding Secretary  Stephanie Doolittle
 Treasurer  Claire Van Hooser
 Directors  Jean Inglet
 Gwen Teague
 Paul Guillory
 Shelley Goddard
 NALTA Liaison  Kathy Davidson
 President  Cathy Jones
 1st Vice President  Rebecca L Latson
 2nd Vice President  Monika Goldsmith
 Recording Secretary  Joan Robison
 Corresponding Secretary  Stephanie Doolittle
 Treasurer  Claire Van Hooser

 Kathy Davidson
 Ed Travis
 Nora Lemm
 Sandra F McClennon
 Olga McGee

 NALTA Liaison  Jean Inglet
 President  Nora Lemm
 1st Vice President  Peggy Clements
 2nd Vice President  Abbie Hickleby
 Recording Secretary  Patricia Davis
 Corresponding Secretary  Cathy Jones
 Treasurer  Monika Goldsmith
 Directors  Kathy Davidson
 Connie Domangue
 Butch Wood
 Stephanie Doolittle
 Gayle Lyles
 NALTA Liaison  Joan Robison
 President  Lourdes Pommerencke  
 1st Vice President  Nora Lemm
 2nd Vice President  Abbie Huckleby
 Recording Secretary  Butch Wood
 Corresponding Secretary  Cathy Jones
 Treasurer  Deanne Cartwright
 Directors  Kathy Davidson
 Lupe H Felan
 Peggy Clements
 Stephanie Doolittle
 Debbie M Price
 NALTA Liaison  Melva Thornton
 President  Peggy Clements
 1st Vice President  Lourdes Pommerencke
 2nd Vice President  Debra Mestemaker
 Recording Secretary  Gayle Lyles
 Corresponding Secretary  Nora Lemm
 Treasurer  Michael Smith
 Directors  Louise Gierisch
 Linda McGowen
 Joy L Caram
 Laurie Chase
 Debbie M Price
 NALTA Liaison  Connie Domangue
 President  Connie Domangue
 1st Vice President  Peggy Clements
 2nd Vice Presidents  Marsha Breazeale
 Debra Mestemaker
 Recording Secretary  Gayle Lyles
 Corresponding Secretary  Lourdes Pommerenke
 Treasurer  Michael Smith
 Directors  Joy L Caram
 Nora Lemm
 Linda Howerton
 Debbie M Price
 NALTA Liaison  Joan B Robison
 President  Joan B Robison
 1st Vice President  Connie Domangue
 2nd Vice President  Larry Hamm
 Recording Secretary  Peggy Clements
 Corresponding Secretary  Jean Inglet
 Treasurer  Patsy Jones
 Directors  Gayle Lyles
 Linda McGowen
 Sira Pineiro
 Danyel Smith
 Debbie M Price
 NALTA Liaison  Debra Mestemaker
 President  Debra Mestemaker
 1st Vice President  Lois Kidd
 2nd Vice President  Larry Hamm
 Recording Secretary  Connie Domangue
 Corresponding Secretary  Jean Inglet
 Treasurer  Lucille Noel
 Directors  Gayle Lyles
 Brenda Lallier
 Joan B Robison
 Kyle Gainer-Lewis
 Debbie M Price
 NALTA Liaison  Olga McGee
 President  Olga McGee
 1st Vice President  Lois Kidd
 2nd Vice President  Debra Mestemaker
 Recording Secretary  Joan B Robison
 Corresponding Secretary  Mary L Martinez
 Treasurer  Lucille Noel
 Directors  Gayle Lyles
 Brenda Lallier
 Margo Walton
 Judith L Kegans
 NALTA Liaison  Lupe H Felan
 President  Lupe H Felan
 1st Vice President  Theresa E McCauley
 2nd Vice President  Jobeth N Hines
 Recording Secretary  Joan B Robison
 Corresponding Secretary  Risa Y Loudermilk
 Treasurer  Patsy A Jones
 Directors  Paula R White
 Donna K Dowling
 Judy A Linderman
 Judith L Kegans
 NALTA Liaison  Lelah A Downing
 President  Lelah A Downing
 1st Vice President  Lupe H Felan
 2nd Vice President  Jobeth Hines
 Recording Secretary  Pamela S Loban
 Corresponding Secretary  Janice Sellers
 Treasurer  Marjene Werner
 Directors  Barbara Baldwin
 Theresa McCauley
 Cheryl Tubel
 Alice Resendez
 NALTA Liaison  Lynne Gevirtz
 President  Lynne Gevirtz
 1st Vice President  Lelah A Downing
 2nd Vice President  Janice Hollaway
 Recording Secretary  Sandy St. Clair
 Corresponding Secretary  Janice Sellers
 Treasurer  Barbara Alvarado
 Directors  Cheryl Baker
 Roseanne Oliver
 Vernett Johnson
 Peggy Seymour
 NALTA Liaison  Liz Neuberger
 President  Donald Willis     
 1st Vice President  Kyle Gainer-Lewis
 2nd Vice President  Neta Latham
 Secretary  Janet Kearby
 Treasurer  Barbara Alvarado
 Directors  Gloria Adams
 David Rilling
 Janice Hollaway
 NALTA Liaison  Lelah A Downing

 President  Jo Downing-Hale  
 1st Vice President  Cheryl Baker
 2nd Vice President  Lupe H Felan
 Secretary  Janice Hollaway
 Treasurer  Melva Thornton
 Directors  Donald Willis
 Vickey Esquivel
 Gloria Adams
 Kyle Gainer-Lewis
 NALTA Liaison  Jo Downing-Hale
 President  Jo Downing-Hale 
 1st Vice President  Donald Willis
 2nd Vice President  Lupe H Felan
 Secretary  Neta Latham
 Treasurer  Liz Neuberger
 Directors  Martha Cheshire
 Faye Seitz
 Risa Loudermilk
 Kyle Gainer-Lewis
 NALTA Liaison  Linda McGowan
 President  Larry A Hamm      
 1st Vice President  Joy Horak Brown
 2nd Vice President  Lupe H Felan
 Secretary  Jo Downing-Hale
 Treasurer  Jackie Powers
 Directors  Martha Cheshire
 Lynne Gevirtz
 Virginia Massey
 Dorris McKain
 Donald Willis
 NALTA Liaison  Faye Seitz
 President  Bruce Smith    
 Larry Hamm
 1st Vice President  Larry A Hamm
 2nd Vice President  Lupe H Felan
 Secretary  Carolyn LaBouve
 Treasurer  Colleen Griffin
 Directors  Virginia Massey
 Linda McGowen
 Doris McKain
 Joy Horak Brown
 Donald Willis
 NALTA Liaison  Jo Downing-Hale
 President  Joy Lee   
 1st Vice President  Larry A Hamm
 2nd Vice President  Marshal Fleisher
 Secretary  Janice King
 Treasurer  Lynn Kruger-Cramer
 Directors  Tara Drackett
 Betty Headley
 Stephanie Vickers
 Melva Thornton
 President          Rhonda Wilkinson
 1st Vice President  Nancy Bohne
 2nd Vice President  Larry A Hamm
 Secretary  Stephanie Vickers
 Treasurer  Betty Headley
 Directors  Lisa Ennis
 Linda McGowan
 Cheryl Saha
 Bobby Wong
 President  Lois Kidd       
 1st Vice President  Joan B Robison
 2nd Vice President  Lisa Knox Ellis
 Secretary  Nancy Bohne
 Treasurers  Rhonda Wilkinson
 Linda Schakett
 Directors  Linda Grothues
 Kenneth Drake
 Carol Arnold
 Stephanie Vickers
 President          Mary Youngblood
 1st Vice President  Olga McGee
 2nd Vice President  Lynne Gevirtz
 Secretary  Lisa Knox
 Treasurer  Lois Kidd
 Directors  Joan B Robison
 Cynthia Grace
 President         Bonnie (Seeger) Conley
 1st Vice President  Bettie Mercer
 2nd Vice Presidents  Lanette Birdwell
 Lynne Gevirtz
 Secretary  Diane McIntire
 Treasurer  Kathy Roberts
 Directors  Mary Anderson
 Mary Bergeron
 President    Mary Anderson   
 1st Vice President  Bonnie (Seeger) Conley
 2nd Vice President  Bettie Mercer
 Secretary  Cathy Williamson
 Treasurers  Carl Bridges
 Kathleen Roberts
 Directors  Barbara Ward
 Dianne Jopling
 President         Mary Anderson
 1st Vice President  Open
 2nd Vice President  Open
 Secretary  Bonnie (Seeger) Conley
 Treasurer  Lois Kidd
 Directors  Joan B Robison
 Cynthia Grace
 President        Dianne Jopling    
 1st Vice President  Barbara Ward
 2nd Vice President  Randy Pace
 Secretary  Jacqueline Schneider
 Treasurer  Judy Neilly
 Directors  Leigh Burrus
 Sharon Pence
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